Passageway Park
The Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony at the newly renovated Passageway Park on May 8, 2019.
This public, city-owned walkway was originally constructed in the early 1970s and connected the Strollway to the south and the Trade Street Mall to the north. In the time since, the area had become outdated, in need of repair, and was becoming a security concern in downtown. In 2015, with an increased focus on pedestrian access and connectivity downtown, the Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership decided it was time to address the situation.
The project began with a reimagining of the space. With the theme Illuminate * Cultivate * Activate, the focus was on breathing new life into the walkway and turning it into a safe, attractive, well-lit pocket park and pedestrian avenue for downtown residents and visitors to enjoy. The project included the removal of old concrete planters and above-ground landscaping, the addition of new dirt and ecological landscaping throughout the space, artistic overhead lighting, and the installation of metal picket fencing, security cameras, bike racks and garbage cans. Multiple North Carolina organizations were involved in the renovation:
• General contractor – Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership in conjunction the Engineering Division, Department of Public Works, City of Winston-Salem
• Conceptual Design and Planting Design – Roots First Design
• Landscape Architect – Osgood Landscape Architects
• Surveyor – Kale Engineering
• Environmental and soil testing – Geoscience and Technology P.A.
• Phase 1 Contractor – Restoration & Recovery
• Lighting – Beco Inc.
• Fencing – Seegars Fence Company
• Plumbing – Quality Plumbing
• Cameras – iTech Solutions
• Signage – FASTSIGNS of Winston-Salem
• Vegetation – Double Creek Road LLC
The renovation was made possible by the investment of $250,000 from several local entities, with none of the funding coming from the city’s general fund. The city of Winton-Salem did provide significant in-kind resources and services to the project. A significant source of funds was the Downtown Winston-Salem Business Investment District (BID), a collaboration of downtown stakeholders charged with keeping downtown safe and clean and providing marketing for the area. In all, the upgrades to Passageway Park were made possible by generous gifts from:
• Downtown Winston-Salem Business Improvement District
• City of Winston-Salem
• Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership
• Downtown Winston-Salem Foundation
• Millennium Fund
• Anna Hodgin Hanes Foundation
• The Winston-Salem Foundation
• Marriott Winston-Salem Hotel
• Garden Club Council of Winston-Salem
• Donations previously made were dedicated in memory of R. Phillip Hanes, Jr., and Richard W. Redding, both long-time champions of downtown Winston-Salem. Many individuals contributed gifts, allowing the renovation project to be conducted in their memory.
The updated pocket park will be available for low-key public performances and has already been used by a/perture cinema for a public film screening and as a venue for the Winston-Salem Light Project. “We want this to be a wonderful urban pedestrian environment where people feel safe and comfortable for a long time to come,” said Ralph Womble, Downtown
Winston-Salem BID chair and vice-chair of the Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership.
Link to Passageway Park Overview PDF – link to PDF
Conceptual Design (High Resolution) – link to PDF
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Next American City Magazine from 2016